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Repeat or Evolve
Welcome to Revive-Your-Relationship.
I understand that relationship challenges are unique and complex.
My clients often feel hopeless, stuck, frustrated, or exhausted Boundaries are often unclear. Communication is tricky.
Knowing how to get needs met without being needy or aggressive can be a mystery at home and at work.
That's why I provide transformational coaching for individuals and all types of relationships.
-If you’re feeling unfulfilled or stuck, I’ll show you how to move forward mindfully to co-create an authentic, loving, respectful relationship.
-Need to negotiate with your neighbor, I'll teach you strategies for a win-win.
-Are you in high conflict with a partner or a co-worker? I'll help you stand in your power, maintain your clarity, and align with the healthiest outcome for you.

Experienced Relationship Coach
Since 1996, as a Nationally Certified Counselor and coach, I've helped people connect through conflict, go from surviving to thriving, and from hateful to healing. If you are feeling overwhelmed by relationship roadblocks, struggling with feeling misunderstood, lonely, and frustrated about issues such as trust, repeated conflict, and communication breakdown, I teach techniques to get out of those ruts.
As individuals, we are programmed to bond with others. We crave connection.
Yet,there’s no instruction manual tailored to you to help you navigate relationships.
In your early life, you watched others and took your best guess at the unspoken rules of how to seek comfort, speak up for your wants and needs, and protect yourselves from being abandoned or rejected. You might have learned that relationships can feel smothering and you want to maintain your independence. Perhaps you always felt alone and want to know how to choose someone who is trustworthy and you can count on. Maybe you were told you are too needy, too distant, over sensitive, or selfish. It can be confusing to discern how much of that is true, and what’s emotional blackmail from someone who didn’t learn how to be healthy in relationships.
It’s easy to get caught in explaining, defending, and game playing. When you take charge and acknowledge self-sabotage and limiting beliefs that cause distractions from you being your best self in relationships, you can learn the skills you need to create a fulfilling relationship.
With couples, people often come to relationship coaching with lots of fear and anger. It is difficult, at that time, to see how it can get better or what relationship patterns you are following. We will work step by step to improve communication, respect, and personal responsibility so you may experience more rewarding relationships.
I am available to identify specific relationship saving goals and objectives, strategies to move beyond ineffective and harmful ways of reacting to your partner, and strengthen your ability to be trustworthy, vulnerable, clear, assertive, and present for a deeply fulfilling relationship.
If you are ready to revive-your-relationship, sign up below to get started.
Relationship Tips
- 150 US dollars
Not ready for a Deep Dive? Huddle up for a focused strategy session.
500 US dollars- 500 US dollars
The Couples Retreat Plus, with a month of weekly follow up calls.
500 US dollars
"Deanne has guided me through the process of learning new, healthier thought processes to replace outdated behaviors and reactions that no longer serve my current life and goals. As I result, I believe I’ve developed an increased ability to establish healthy boundaries, communicate my needs, and identify solutions. The benefits have permeated all areas of my life – professional growth, management skills, personal relationships, and romantic relationships – and have given me confidence that I am capable of developing further skills to navigate any future life challenges. I highly recommend Deanne’s guidance. As an added bonus, she always has simple tips on how to improve daily living."
"I thought we were done. This was a last ditch effort. After two months, I feel like we are on a second honeymoon. Thank you so much for helping us reconnect."
~husband of 14 years
I was lost, now I am found-- and it is so good to finally meet my authentic self!
As a result of my work with Deanne, I have been able to:
-Recognize my gifts beyond the "doing" and see my value in "just being"
-Take ownership of my freedom of choice and recognize the many possibilities that exist
-Reconnect with my inner joy and creativity
-Find safety in the present, despite my past.
-Access sources of unconditional love and support that are available in the spiritual universe.
-Offer a welcoming space and compassion for the young voices of my historical traumaÂ
I was trapped, now I am free!...I can begin to live the life I had only imagined before.
I failed a lot, and it was worth it!
I've been on this road a long time. Having failed at relationships early on, I spent years studying and practicing the tools needed for healthy relationships.
​I have worked with people in a variety of ways: all types of couples at various stages, parenting facilitator, school counselor, EMDR therapist, and leadership coach. All to understand what it takes to have amazing human relationships. After learning 8 couples programs, I've put together a toolbox to support people to overcome barriers to connection.
These experiences have been my path of evolution. There have been many times of darkness where I gained wisdom and grace from sitting through the depth of my pain and transforming within. I am grateful for these failures (F.A.I.L = Feedback And Its Learnings). Many times, I had to learn the hard way that differences in relationship don't have to be difficult. I now am blessed with a network of incredible support and the most incredible partnership.
That's why I am passionate about helping individuals and couples deepen their connection and understanding of each other during conflict. Life's too short to live it unhappy, or unfulfilled. I am here to help you achieve mental agility, emotional stability, and deep connection with yourself and others.

We can FAIL (Feel All Its Limits), or, we can evolve each time we FAIL (Feedback And Its Learnings). Be a work of art, in progress.